Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rabbit 101 Part 4

Assalamualaikum wbt

Siberian Rabbit
It is a very graceful rabbit with an attractive coat, coloured black, blue, brown or lilac. The siberian was first bred in the UK around 1930 but its ancestral is unknown. They're bred mainly for its nice fur and also as a pet. 

Silver Fox
The Silver Fox's fur is coarser than the fur of other rabbits, one and half to two inches long, and when stroked from tail to head, the fur stands up. It has an unusual unique coat. This combined with the length and coarseness of the fur resembles the fur of the Arctic Silver Fox for which the Silver Fox rabbit is named.

The color marking of the Tan are reminiscent of a Doberman pinscher, especially the black and chocolate varieties. The undersides of this rabbit, which include the tail, stomach, chin, and ears, are colored in "tan" fur (almost more of a bright orange). The rest of the rabbit is colored in black, blue, chocolate, or lilac. They are very energetic rabbits.

Jerry Woody
Originated from Thailand. It's a crossbreed from local rabbit in Thailand and English angora. The purpose of this breed is to enhance the short fur of local rabbit and make it become more fluffy and attractive.

Teddy Bear
Originated from Thailand. It's a hybrid from Jerry Woody and other hairy breed. Teddy bear rabbit is very popular in Thailand and Malaysia not only because of its attractive coat color and long hair, but also because of its price that's affordable (the price in Thailand is far more cheaper than Malaysia, hence it's affordable). 

Woody Toy
Also from Tailand. It's developed from Teddy bear rabbit but Woody Toy is smaller in size compare to Teddy bear because of dwarf gene (come from Netherland dwarf's gene).Its appearance is similar to Teddy bear in term of their long fur, only their ears is shorter and bodyweight is lighter. 

P/S. All these three breeds (jerry woody, teddy bear, woody toy) is not in the list of ARBA (american rabbit association) and only popular in Thailand and Malaysia. So you'll never found this rabbit in other country. Their names also is not very popular in google compare to other breed. But for sure they're very cute and fluffy! 


  1. ,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    Salam Persahabatan kami datang ziarah blog anda

    uihhhhh comel tedy bear tu... bulu dia sampai tak nampak mata.... isssshhh macam-macam lerrr arnab kat dunia ni

  2. Wow I didn't know rabbits have so much nice fur.

  3. arnab Jerry Woody ni first time dengar. comel jgk ek??

  4. wow, look at that teddy bear. Are you sure there's a rabbit in there?

  5. serius nih saya baru tahu ada rabbit comel gini! info yang sangat bagus. mereka betul2 nampak comel!

  6. Such cute rabbits!!
    LigerLily @

  7. afzainizam- memang comey, harga teddy bear nie pon comey jugak..dalam RM150-RM200

  8. Kril- arnab tue mmg xpopular sebab bulu dia xlebat sgt n byk kat thailand

  9. Les-nope, don't know either....maybe other

  10. hud aikara-mereka mmg comey, lg comey dari kucing:)

  11. pergh..bnyknye rabbit..fvourite saya rabbit..;)

  12. Cool pics - far better than cats

  13. Must take a while to brush all the Teddy Bear's fur

  14. cute rabbit with real cute cost...:)

  15. The tan would make a great guard/attack rabbit.

  16. ,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    " Antara kau dan aku
    Blog ini sebagai pengantara”
    Maaf kerana lama tak berkunjung yerrr .. kerana ade masalah pada laptop aku..baru hantar repair lerr...

    emmmm tak nafi lahhh kalau harga dia mahal sebab unik .... mmg unik... aku pun teruja melihat kepelikkan spesis arnab ni...

  17. I love the tan rabbit. I think the black and the brown together are so beautiful.
    Hope you are doing well!
    xx, shell

  18. u really intersted in rabbits huh? well i love rabbits too coz they are cute...btw i born in the year of rabbit... hehehehehe all the best


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