Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Journey to the North

Assalamualaikum wbt

Perlis lies at the northern part of the west coast of peninsular Malaysia. Compare to other states, Perlis is the smallest state in Malaysia. At first I don't really sure any attractive places that we can visit there. I'd study in Perlis for three years and I know nothing about this state. The only thing that I remember is its long hot weather season (where I constantly seek for air conditioner room which include my lecturer's room, gossiping and listening to music rather than and the rainy season which make me shivering all the day especially when I woke up in the morning. One thing more, Perlis is also popular with 'Harum Manis', a mango that has a sweet taste and damn expensive price. 

The first place we go is Padang Besar, heaven for shoppers. This place has a lot of cheap goods sold in the market. I believe the actual price of most items here is cheaper than the seller try to sell, thus anyone who's good at bargaining the price will get the lowest price the sellers could offer. I swear this is the best place to anyone who brings a lot of money but for sure this is the worst and boring place for people who has no intention of buying anything. Most of merchants here come from Thailand and they speak in Kelantan dialect. I think they ate a lot of budu in the past LOL.

In front of outfit shop.

Next we go to Gua Kelam, the habitat place for Zubat and other cave dwelling pokemon. Sadly the area of Gua Kelam is being renovate, maybe because of the destruction by the great flood in Perlis last November. So we just fooling around the area, taking some pictures and headed to other place in frustrated mood.

Prove we're here!

Found a new pokemon-Meow

Half century tree

The last pit stop is among the popular place for couple hanging out and eating 'cucuk-cucuk'. It's situated several km from Kuala Perlis terminal ferry. I only know this place exist and what is 'cucuk2' taste like. 

People in Perlis called this as 'cucuk'cucuk'. What a weird name....

In front of the stall is a beach. We had a pleasant evening while eating cucuk2 at the beach (actually it's sunny day during the time we got there)

15th February 2011


  1. dulu masa p padang besar.. macam2 nk d beli... rs nak beli semua..haha

    cucuk2 2 cam hotdoq bakaq ja..

    p/s: amboi... manja semacam je kuceng 2 dengan betta.. ni mesti kuceng betina...haha

  2. best baca entry yg ini...saya pernah pergi sekali jer ke Perlis tu pun hanya ke Kangar..:)

  3. cucuk2 tue memang dia bakaq, tue yg nmpak cam hangit semacam je. itu kucing jantan la, saja nak posing dpan kamera:)

  4. tq..tq.... p kangar je mana ada apa, the store je la. nnt p perlis lagi jln2 la kat tmpat yg menarik gua kelam ke, pdg besaq ke...apa2 la

  5. looks like you had a great time! and a nice day to go out for a hike with friends too

  6. Wahh best2..

    I would said that i'd stdy almost 3yrs here i Terengganu n still, just few places visited. So, it can be said that, i know nothing bout this state too ehee

  7. That's a let down the cave got a flood and, nice pictures you got there.

  8. waa aneh 3 thn dk kt perlis bru mkn cucuk2..rasanya cucuk2 ini mmg famous kot kt utara smpi kt hutan sintok ni pon ada..hahaha

  9. popchampagne- there's no hiking at the beach

  10. miszsakura-nie mesti fokus gila2 kat study smpi xjln2 kluar. xpa, nnt da ada masa jln2 la tgk apa yg ada kat terengganu tue.

  11. mixed's very pathetic can't get into the cave:(

  12. fathin- sebenarnya byk kali nmpak cucuk2 tue, cuma xberminat nak makan.tapi arituh ada org blanja n perot pon lapar, so telan je la:)

  13. ,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    " Antara kau dan aku
    Blog ini sebagai pengantara”

    uihhhh padang besar patut lerrr macam pernah gi ajerrr port ni.... aku cari hotel tak aderr lerr kat sana kena balik kangar atau masuk siam cari hotel.... yg best shopping asam kecut murahhhh sangat... uihhhh kucing itewww ikut kau kerrr

  14. kena ikan bakaq kat kuala perlis best woo.. teringat2...

  15. Nak tgk Lulu & Sora dlm pokemon???;

    huh... da dkat 650 pokemon... ssah gak nk cari~

  16. afzainizam- ak yg ikut kucing ada la...ha3

  17. use-yup...memang best kalo pekena ikan bakaq, tambah lagi kalo ada org blanja:)

  18. hazim- apsal pokemon tuh lagi comey dari lulu n sora ak hah

  19. da nama pon pokemon~ siap tembak eletrik lg tu....

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