Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rabbit 101 Part 2

Assalamualaikum wbt

Belgian Hare- Despite its name, the Belgian hare is actually a rabbit, not a hare. However, its appearance is similar to hare which is long legs and long ears.

Britannia Petite- The Britannia Petite is said originated from small wild rabbits and is known for having a wild temperament. They're one of the most unique rabbits in the Standard of Perfection, which are known for their very distinctive poses.

Californian- This rabbit looks like a Siamese cat with its white coat and dark brown tipped ears, nose, feet and tail. The Californian was initially bred from crosses between Chinchilla, Himalayan, and New Zealand rabbits in the 1920s, with the intent of creating a better commercial meat rabbit.

Enderby Island- The Enderby Island Rabbit is a rare breed derived from a small population of rabbits of uncertain origin isolated on a sub-Antarctic island in New Zealand's Auckland Islands group for 130 years. It's silver-grey in color, with a dark slate-blue undercoat, and dark, sometimes black, ears, nose and tail.

Hotot- The Hotot was developed in Hotot-en-Auge. It's a large rabbit with a white coat and black rings around its eyes.

p.s. Lately I felt a little bit tired trying to prepare my research proposal and don't really have a good time to surf the internet and read your blog ( who're reading and commenting on my blog) since the connection is still sucks. By the way, I'm trying my best to read all the post since the last day I read, especially the informative one. For all who read my post, follow and commenting on this blog, thank you for supporting  me and rabbit in the web. Wish you all Happy New Year 2011 :)


  1. The Californian rabbit is so fat, i wonder why :)

    PS u have captcha on for comments

  2. Research proposal: are you a vivisectionist?

  3. The Californian looks pretty delicious, and I gotta admit I want to hug the Enderby Island rabbit.

  4. smile-Californian rabbit is a good breed for meat, thus this breed is usually fat. yes, I turn on the captcha, is't disturbing?

    mr swift-arigato swift san:)

    rawr-all breeds are cute

  5. sucio-no,I'm not. I'm a marine ecologist:)

    Les-you should try it, soft and healthy meat:)

    amy syaquena- lagi cute dari amy:)

  6. kenapa u minat sangat ngan rabbit

    cite ar cite ar cite arrrrr

  7. nora-mmmm.....ntah la, sy pon xtaw nak bgtaw naper. mmg minat sy kat menatang kot...heee:)

  8. those rabbits look fit, my bunny has a triple chin, he will never make it a model rabbit lol

  9. I´ll stop eating rabbits!
    They are delicious, have you tried?
    on Paella they rock!

    See you! love your blog, its so original, and I mean it!


  10. pop champagne- double chin is quite fat, but triple chin must be really fat:)

    tonio- sure rabbit is so delicious, especially the fat one:)

  11. belgian looks so similar to a kanggaroo :)
    | Perlu MALU jadi single |

  12. Thanks for the rabbit info! :) Following!

  13. ,=====,o00o Pon..Ponn..Ponn
    Selamat Tahun Baru Dengan Azam Baru

    woooo dalam dunia macam-macam rabit yerrr ade.... adoiiii macam macam jenis tuuuu....

    mmg menarik spesis tu jarang nampak lahhh

  14. lol that made me laugh
    Anyways, cool blog, I'll follow you.

  15. I like the Enderby one, it has nice fur colours

  16. sbb kamu x daftar ngn GENG BLOGGER
    sbb tu x masuk dalam list

  17. the captcha is a bit annoying yes :)

    It is general used to protect you from spam but i don't think you have that issue here :)

  18. pinqib- hai wakatta( paham2)

    smile- alright, i'll turn of the captcha. thanks for noticing me:)

  19. Hotot 2 mengingatkan sy pd tabung shiling.. sebijik nk sama bentuk.. mata dier..hehe


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