Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rabbit Killer Shocks Germany

Assalamualaikum wbt

It's not human life the murderer's after, but the cute little creature in backyard is the main target for this serial killer in Germany is looking for. I don't know what grudge does this killer is holding towards pet rabbit, but it must be really serious since more than 30 pet rabbits were killed.

Elfriede Dumont, the rabbit owner told a story that's happen to her pet rabbit. One morning, when I came out to feed my rabbits, I was surprised to see that the hutch door was open," recalls Elfriede. "I looked inside and saw Rocco just lying there. His head was missing. A little later I found Felina in the bushes. She'd been killed, too. I just cannot understand why."

Elfriede Dumont cannot understand the motive for killing her pets. Me neither.

Rocco and Felina are among the 30 pet rabbits killed in the towns of Witten and Dortmund since last summer.
Many of the rabbits have been decapitated and the blood drained from their bodies. "I would never expect something to happen here," says Elfriede's granddaughter, Sabrina. "This place is so quiet. You can leave your car open and everything's fine. Yet there are people who murder rabbits!" 

At the same time, police fear the attacker could switch from killing rabbits to killing people. "It's always the same," Officer Schuette explains. "Detectives find the rabbit lying dead in a hutch. An unknown person has cut off the head and drained off the blood in a box or a bottle. So we find no blood and no head."

It is one of the most shocking cases of animal cruelty that Germans can remember. This case makes me sick!

Source: BBC News


  1. that's very sad. they have the right to worry that this person may move onto people as most serial killers do start with rabbits.

  2. Suspek utama; Nene Sakurada (Crayon Shin Chan)

  3. Bro ada satu lagi procedure nak tukar link. Kena jadi 'penduduk planet saya'
    hehe. :)

    Tell me if it was done ok?

  4. Sounds like some sort of sacrifice or other ritual with the whole blood draining part. Weird.

  5. why would some1 hurt an innocent being like that

  6. I thought from the headline that the post was about a killer-rabbit, not a rabbit-killer.

    P.S. any chance you can kill Captcha in 2011?

  7. Bro thanks! Dah masuk dah. Hehe. :)

    Oh sorry late saya balik kg ohh. Hehe.

  8. wow...why would anyone kill rabbits? Thanks for visiting my blog LWC.

  9. So disgusting. Thats a very vile thing to go around doing to animals that are otherwise not bothering you or threatening your way of life in the least. I hope they catch this person.

  10. Welcome..Happy..New..Year
    Selamat Tahun Baru Dengan Azam Baru

    Rabit.... Rabit.... Rabit.....

    wooooo Elfriede Dumont eeemmmm tu bunuh arnab dia keerrrr

  11. what a weirdo! ugh that's so gross, they're just rabbits! its not like they bite or even make a noise!

  12. erics- yeah, that's so true. this killer is damn cruel.

    hazim- suspek bole diterima pakai, lagi2 time nene sakurada marah:)

    Classically- for a moment i thought it makes sense, who else would kill a rabbit without any reason?

  13. a hermit-crazy killer, i guess

    smile- because that killer doesn't has a heart:(

    sucio- a killer-rabbit?ahah, that would be very scary and strange. you can kill Captcha by using a gun:)

  14. level85nerd-a shock for me too

    mr swift- ok, no hal. salah faham jer:)

    anna-for us we don't know the reason, the only thing I know is that killer is crazy

  15. duchessofYanks-yes, the rabbit never bother people, but the killer is bothering the rabbit. it's sad if it happen to our pet:(

    afzainizam- errr....salah tue. rabbit Elfriede yg kena bunuh:)

    pop champagne-i'm totally agree with you. unlike dog and cat, rabbit is just a quiet animal

  16. Welcome..Happy..New..Year
    Selamat Tahun Baru Dengan Azam Baru

    because that killer doesn't has a heart eeeemmmmmm patutlahhhh jadi cam tu

  17. oh my god, this is disturbing :-(

    I'm german myself and deeply ashamed of this fellow countryman.

    if you feel like dropping a comment:

    really new blog though, not too much content as of now


  18. i think people killing animals or pets are sick.
    attention seeker
    or psiko :)

    | Perlu MALU jadi single |

  19. Great post & useful article rabbit. Thanks


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