Friday, April 8, 2011

Laughter is the best medicine

A man walked into a chemist. "Do you have anything for hiccups?" he asked the pharmacist. Without warning, the pharmacist reached over and smacked the man on the shoulder.
"Did that help?" he asked.
"I don't know,"the startled man replied. "I'll have to ask my wife. She's waiting in the car."
-Nancy Macmillan

With her brown eyes and curly hair, our youngest daughter takes after my husband. At three, she was lively, mischievous girl and people often remarked on how cute she was.
One day I was standing with her in the supermarket when a woman commented, "What a pretty child you have!"
My smile disappeared when she asked, "Is she really yours?"
-Gerry Kruithof

" If I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to church every day, would I get into heaven?" I asked the children in my Sunday school class.
"No!" the children all answered.
"If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the yard and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into heaven?"
Again the answer was, "No!"
"Well," I continued, "then how can I get to heaven?"
A five-year-old boy shouted out, "You've got to be dead!"
-Jann Cupp

My parents, married 45 years, raised 11 children. Now they enjoy 22 grandchildren. When asked the secret for staying together all that time, my mother replies, "Many years ago we made a promise to each other: the first one to pack up and leave has to take all the kids."
-Betty Stumpf

My daughter was sharing an old house with fellow university students. With money in short supply, they lived mainly on cheap cuts of meat, supplemented by noodles and rice.
When she came home on a visit, I told her I would pack some provisions she could share with her friends.
Shocked, she replied, "Oh no, Mum, don't do that. If they know I've got access to real food, they'll send me home every weekend!"
-Del Jarret

My young cousing, David, had an appointment to see the doctor. Once he was on the examining table, the doctor asked him, "How old are you?"
"I'm four," David answered.
"And when you're going to be five?" the doctor inquired.
David replied, "When the four comes to an end."
-Elsa Nobre Duarte

My brother stopped by a sandwich shop one afternoon and placed his order with the girl at the counter. She rattled off a list of condiments, but he stopped when she asked if he wanted white cheese or yellow.
"What's the difference?" my brother asked.
"Hello!" replied the girl, signing and rolling her eyes. "Color?"
-Mary Berg


  1. hahaha..betol2 setuju sgt2..laughter is the best klu nk ketawa tuh biarlah bertempat ye...tkut nnt lain plak persepsi org..ape2 pun,senyum xperlu kata ape2...hehehe

  2. hahahahahahahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah
    oke..dah sembuh...heheheh

  3. frens-hg nak gelak mana2 pon bole la, asalkan jgn gelak mcm si bilie tue

  4. misrerama- mak ooiii, kalo da gelak mcm tuh sapa yg x sembuh

  5. ,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    " Antara kau dan aku
    Blog ini sebagai pengantara”

    Jom terjah entry terbaru
    kereta gear auto dan gear manual

    MELEPASKAN TEKANAN PERASAAN.....Laughter Laughter Laughter Laughter Laughter Laughter Laughter Laughter


  6. saya suke entry nih..: hahahaha...untuk lebih ketawa yang maksima saya akan tonton Hantu Kak Limah lagi..lepas ketawa memang betul..rasa lega..hormon pun jadi ok. mood pun baik..(^_^)

  7. jgn terlampau gelak... boleh jd lupe..

    ketawa la yg memadai..huhu

    like ur post..

  8. thanks for the laughs! what a nice way to start off the weekend! :)

  9. Ok, I admit I chuckled a little.

  10. afzainizam-jgn ketawa lebih2 pulak, kang xbole berenti, jadik cam pesakit mental

  11. hud aikara-x abes2 lg ngan hantu kak limah dia tue....owh penah tengok x org kat india ketawa sebagai satu senaman?

  12. azana-kalo da ketawa berdekah2 tue mmg lupa donia buat sementara waktu,tp kalo pompuan nak gelak mesti kontrol (dpan org ramai) hehehe

  13. shutterbug-you always smile (in the picture)

  14. tigey-don't take some, take all good laugh lol

  15. That's a load of stuff you got there.

    'you go to heaven when you die" owned


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