Sunday, April 17, 2011


Assalamualaikum wbt

Imagine the friend of yours, a decent man/woman, being caught by police and accused for something that he/she don't do it. Or someone you know that never ever do a bad thing, being accused do that thing. It must be really shocking and hard to believe, and suddenly you will surely have a feeling that you want to protect him/her from that false accusation. 

I admit that i don't really know him, but i'm really sure he didn't do that thing, so do my family. To make things worse, he can't really speak malay and english, so i guess there're some nasty damn people try to manipulate him and make a false accusation on him. After all he's an outsider, and maybe local people (at that place) don't really like him and suspect that he has doing something illegal. And for that reason I believe there exist a conspiracy to arrest him. Yet, they don't found any evidence that he's involve in some illegal activity in that area.

It's a weird feeling when you see someone you know, handcuffed and accompanied by a policeman walk passed in front of you. I can still remember his face and his eyes, and the way he looks at me, as if he wanted to say that he really don't do any bad thing and why he's still being arrested by the police. I felt helpless, sad, and in a split second I've a feeling that all my happiness being ripped away. I never feel like this before, it's truly different watching criminal being arrested by a policeman in television and something that happens in a real life. I know he will be released soon, but this incident will give a great impact not only to him, but also to his family, his friends, people around him and most importantly the society. Life is hard to cope with people around if they start to believe the rumor instead of the true story. I just hope he will be strong and learn from this harsh experience to be extra careful next time when dealing with people's around. 


  1. That's pretty awful

  2. I never trust officials - especially the police

  3. ,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    " Antara kau dan aku
    Blog ini sebagai pengantara”

    Jom Terjah entry terbaru ??
    rxz 5 speed 6 speed catalyzer

    sama lah aku pun ikut sedih gak lah

  4. kesian la kalo x bersalah tp kena tangkap sebab telah dimanipulasi...
    mangsa keadaan kesan 2 luas..ada kesan yang baik dan mungkin kesan yang buruk lagi banyak...

    semoga dia tabah menghadapinya...

  5. ...baca pun dah tumpang sedih..(-.-)

  6. manusia mmg suka menilai tanpa mengetahui..suka menghukum tanpa menyelidiki..apapon don't be sad sbb kebenaran tu sentiasa berpihak pd yg benar...insyaAllah..:)

  7. I would be shocked and confused.

  8. huhuhu..berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul...huhuhu

  9. minna (everyone)- thanks for your sympathy

  10. azana-bila da kena tangkap polis nie memang org akan pandang serong, walaupon dia xbersalah. dia kena mulakan kehidupan baru kat tempat lain

  11. fathin-manusia yg berpenyakit hati yg slalu buat2 cerita memburukkan org. ini lah bahayanya fitnah, sebab tue Allah berfirman dlm al-Quran hukum memfitnah nie lagi besar bahayanya dari membunuh.

  12. Uhhh... fitnah, gossip... mmg makan daging sedara sendiri... bukan nk check dlu, at least sapa ke, tnya khabar ke, MAEN FACEBOOK skali ke... kesian~

  13. semoga yang ditangkap tu bersabar.....berani kerana benar! :)


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