Monday, March 21, 2011

The Beauty of Nature

Assalamualaikum wbt

I like nature very much. Whenever I saw a beautiful scene I will stop and try to be a part of nature by feeling the air and enjoy the great scene. It feels so great and for a couple of minutes I can feel that all my problems disappear and my mind become clear. It's the beauty of nature that stunned me!

The beauty of Sakura tree in Malaysia! 

Sometimes beautiful scenery exist everywhere but in a limited time. This pictures were taken at the backyard of my house. I really enjoy watching the dusk when the sun start to fall down and the color of sky start to change. Sometimes the sky looks blue, sometimes white, sometimes red and sometimes gold. My favorite is gold!

One of my favorite place is at the beach. This place is always breeze during evening and at the same time carry your problems away from your mind. It's a state of tranquility that made me remember most of being at the beach.  

Watching animals behave and live with animals are part of my life. Animals are honest, they behave and act naturally. They're not pretending to be good or bad in front of people, they are who they are.

~Flying koi in the sky~

The beauty of nature makes me happy. How about you? What makes you happy?


  1. kita sama... nature 2 memberi ketenangan yang tersembunyi...

    i like...

  2. Killing orc, that's what makes me happy.

  3. =====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    " Antara kau dan aku
    Blog ini sebagai pengantara”
    “Tali timba ditarik perlahan
    Terasa sejuk air perigi
    Ziarah Blog tanda persahabatan
    InsyaAllah hamba datang lagi”

    Maaf kerana lama tak berkunjung yerrr .. minggu lepas agak sibuk sangat maaf lah yerr...

    Hidup tidak selalunya indah
    Langit tak selalu cerah
    Suram malam tak berbintang
    Itulah lukisan alam
    (Begitu aturan Tuhan)

    Jadilah rumput nan lemah lembut
    Tak luruh dipukul ribut
    Bagai karang di dasar lautan
    Tak terusik dilanda badai

    Dalam suka hitunglah kesyukuranmu
    Dalam senang awasi kealfaanmu
    Setitis derita melanda
    Segunung kurniaanNya

    Usah mengharapkan ke segalanya
    Dalam perjuangan penuh pengorbanan
    Usah dendam berpanjangan
    Maafkan kesalahan insan
    (Begitu ajaran Tuhan)

    Hasbiallah, Hasbunallah
    HasbiRabbi jalallahu Ya Allah

  4. kehidupan ini yang boleh buat kita happy...hehe

  5. Very beautiful pictures! Chocolate makes me happy.

  6. aku pilih gambar laut.. bila lagi dapat pegi mandi sana nih...

  7. Uishhhh... rasa cm nak pegi jalan2 lagi je.... hah!!! Anip, cepat plan!!! ahaha

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. nice pics..especially the sakura tree..i never thougth that we have sakura tree in Malaysia...
    "beauty of nature'll never lies"
    simple things makes me happy..:)

  10. azana-sama tapi xserupa....yups, itu sy setuju:)

  11. loneislander-what can i say, gamer's mind

  12. afzainizam-laaa...bernasyid pulak dia kat sini

  13. frens-yer, kalo x idop caner nak rasa smua bnda nie. trademark hg "hehehe" mmg dikenali

  14. shutterbug-chocolate also makes me happy, especially when I'm depressed

  15. hahaha...betol en betta.."trademark"?..huhuhu

  16. use-pegi mandi waktu tengahari, konpem kulit jadik cantik giler

  17. hazim-ak da puas lor berjalan nie, tunggu la time ada masa free:)

  18. fathin- mmg xder pokok sakura pon kat malaysia nie, xtaw apa nak pggl nama pokok tue, tp bunga dia cantik cam sakura:)

  19. •*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*.¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*'
    (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
    (=' ;') •::::::::HI….. :::::::::::•
    “tali timba ditarik perlahan
    terasa sejuk air perigi
    Ziarah blog tanda persahabatan
    insyaAllah hamba datang lagi”

    Sekali ku memandang kehijauan saujana mata
    Semusim yang benderang hati riang nikmatnya tuhan
    Kita belalah bersama-sama
    Kita jagalah harmoninya

    Semusim ia datang keindahan ciptaan tuhan
    Hijau yang terbentang makhluk tuhan bermesra-mesra
    Kita belalah bersama-sama
    Kita jagalah harmoninya

    Damai terperi kicau bernyanyi
    Burung berkicauan riang terbang
    Ombak menghempas pantai menanti
    Indah biru laut ini pasti

    Salam diberi insan di bumi
    Itu nikmat hari hari ini
    Tegur dan sapa senyum ketawa
    Itu tanda kita riang
    Abadikan keindahan ini

  20. Breath taking and captivating images!
    I was surprised that the sky can turn gold that doesn't happen in my side of the globe or area.

  21. wahhh cantik! \o/ tempat yang paling saya suka pulak ialah air terjun!

  22. saya sukakan pantai. saya sukakan bukit & gunung. saya sukakan semua pemandangan yang awak rakamkan.

    saya harap kita takkan kehilangan semua ini. saya tak mau melihat ini semua hanya menerusi foto-foto.

  23. Nice peacock!

  24. ,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    " Antara kau dan aku
    Blog ini sebagai pengantara”

    kalau sakura kat jepun bunga dia kecik kecik kalau pokok kat malaysia tu bunga dia besar besar... tapi iteww bukan pokok sakurakan.... pokok hutan kan yang selalu tanam tepi jalanraya kan...

  25. mixednut-looks like i'm lucky to have the gold sky on my side:)

  26. hud aikara-sy xbrapa suka air terjun, sebab sejuk sgt. tulang ini xdpt menahan kesejukan akibat kekurangan lemak:)

  27. epulafea-owh sukakan smua gambar sy, thank u...thank u. silalah copy n wat wallpaper kat laptop:)

  28. afzainizam-pokok utan ke? xpa, janji bunga dia cantik mcm sakura:)


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