Thursday, March 31, 2011

Arabic Dish at Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Perak

Assalamualaikum wbt

Anybody study in UTP? or live around Tronoh, Perak? Well if you happen to live there, you MUST pay a visit to 1001 NIGHTS RESTAURANT (not really a restaurant but rather a kiosk). My sister run this kiosk with her friends and she invites us to go there and try the dish. Guess what? It's very delicious and tasty, and it becomes even tastier when we don't need to pay for the food :icondignitylaughplz:.

I ate so much and by that time I felt that I would vomit if there's any food appear before my eyes. I'm very sure that there's no empty space in my stomach, not even for the smallest food. Still there's a lot of food left on the table. Goshhh...what a pain! :iconimdeadplz:

Now, when hungry, I'm regret because I don't eat the foods until my stomach burst out......

 This is the kiosk looks like, not a very big place though but I guarantee it's big enough to fill up all empty space in your cute stomach. 

And these are some of the Arabic foods there....

Cheese with some macaroni....I don't really know their name, anyone can help identify these foods' names?

Meat ball....

Macaroni with cheese



And this is the proud chef, imported straight from Arab mainland. What so special about him? He is adept in cooking Arabic food and all foods was prepared by himself in a short time and of course taste very....very delicioussss.....nyum...nyum... 


  1. hehehe...bestnye kalau cite bab makan lg best kalau ade yg sudi nk belanje..en betta belanja r..hehehe...

  2. Im soooo hungry now -.- Not fair to post that good food :S

  3. ,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    " Antara kau dan aku
    Blog ini sebagai pengantara”
    ”Maaf lama kami tak ziarah”

    ni kedai kat dalam utp kerrr... ala-ala rabic... tak pernah lagi makan stail rab ni kecuali makan baryani jerrr....

    mmg sedap sungguh lah nampak... tang macaroni dan cheese tu mesti sedap kan.... sampai dah nak habis nampaknyerr

  4. keinginan nak makan terus datang bila tengok gambar2 ni.

  5. frens-tue la pasai, makanan tue akan lagi sedap kalo ada org blanja. arituh ak da blanja makan soto n waffle:)

  6. loneislander & kevings
    -look tasty isn't, eat which one you like:)

  7. fathiah- haah, dlm utp dekat kolej mana ntah. kena cari la coz situ ada byk kedai2

  8. afzainizam-haah, kiosk dekat2 kolej pelajar. singgah utp pastikan cari kiosk nie taw, sebarkan kepada smua...:)

  9. qin-silalah makan sambil melihat gambar2 ini:)

  10. ,=====,o00o Ponn..Ponn.Ponn..
    " Antara kau dan aku
    Blog ini sebagai pengantara”
    ”Maaf lama tak ziarah anda”

    yup kios ni kalau aku jumpa nanti aku singgah aku try dulu... tak kenal maka tak cinta kan...

  11. That looks pretty tasty, I don't normally eat that kind of food

  12. LOL.. the chef doesn't look too happy to be there! :D

  13. Everything looks delicious including the chef

  14. yummy...yummy..ada cawangan kat tempat lain tak..:)

  15. aduhhh..sedap pulak nak balik buat spaghetti nih! yummy!

  16. Ni ke "orang" tu... muke cam skema je... kalu ak pn x caya sgt... adoyai!!!!


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