Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Girlfriend

Assalamualaikum wbt

She's beautiful than any other women i met.

I've fall in love ever since the first time I saw her face.

My heart is pounding fast and I can't barely say anything when she's staring at me.

Her black eyes paralyzed me, her small hands grip me and later her cute tiny teeth bite me and then I realized it's not a dream!

So I said to the man " I want her!"

Yeaayyy....finally I've a girlfriend that can accompany me whenever I go and whatever I do.

Meet my cute girlfriend, Lulu

Oooppsss....sorry, not this Lulu in Final Fantasy. 

Ok, this is her, Lulu. She's trying to figure out how to type a word using the keyboard

I'm still in bonding process with her, though she's not too wild

To gain Lulu's trust is hard, but i must be patient no matter how long it takes

She's cuter while asleep

A scenery behind the apartment, this time I'm not alone watching this beautiful scenery because I'm with Lulu

P.s. To whom that never know or see this animal, it's a sugar glider native from Australia and New Guinea. I'm still a normal human that like to keep a pet, so don't misunderstood me to really fall in love with animal, ok!


  1. That's the first time I have seen a sugar glider, it looks like a nice pet.

  2. cisss..... nk jugak....
    dh lama dh sy usya encik sugar glider nie...

    tp hajat belom sampai ag.... nie y buat aku jeles nie... grrrrrr.....

  3. ces...igt gepren btoi td..hehe

    nice Lulu... dulu penah nampak sorg mamat asyik bawak species cam lulu ni ke hulu ke hilir..bukan sekor.. 2 3 ekor gak ah.. letak atas badan je..huhu mesra tol..

  4. mixed nuts- of course she's a good pet, especially for people that always seeking a small and smart pet

  5. fathiah- kat shah alam kan berlambak2 menatang cute nie, bli la satu kalo rasa teringin sgt nak bela. tp btol2 ke minat pet nih, mcm pelik jerrr

  6. azana-gf btol la nie, cuma dia dlm bentuk haiwan je..huuu..huuu

    org tue mmg fanatik kot ngan menatang nih, siap bawak p jln2 lagi

  7. pelik?? mnede pelik, y pelik tue member ko? ala member ko y anti menatang berbulu nie wakakakaaa...

    aku ske je binatang2 y berbulu, especially y kiut miut mcm nie...

    actually dah lama dah usya menatang nie... tp asyik dok pikiq siape nk bela klo xde kt umah...

    xmo bela2 pas2 mati... huhu... pet terakhir aku hamster, bela punye bela sampai beranak pinak, dh xlalu, aleh2 pisahkan jantan betina, bela sampai mati tua haha...

    y tinggal skrg nie kucing kt umah, kucing senang nk jaga, die pandai jage diri... mknn die pon xmhl...

    2 kebaikan utama bela kucing ialah;
    1- sisa makanan dpt dihabiskan, xde ka membazir...

    2- serangga perosak spt lipas/lipan/cengkerik; katak; tikus; suma xde... sbb dh jd bahan mainan kuceng2 aku...

  8. ia sangat comel. tapi saya sukakan arnab yang boleh dimakan. T_T


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