Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rabbits Everywhere

Assalamualaikum wbt

Being a rabbit owner is not always a happy moment. 

This is a brief history of my rabbit (that I had and still own it)

Her name is Aoi (means blue) because of her beautiful blue eyes. She is my 1st rabbit I bought while studying in the university. She died because of pneumonia (snuffle). 
Breed: Mix Angora

This is the second rabbit I bought to accompany Aoi. His name is Sora which means sky. He's lucky because Aoi's disease didn't affect him although they're kept together in a cage.
Breed: Mix Lion Lop

No name. She die because of diarrhea at the age of less than 8 weeks. It's a heartbreaking because I only kept her less than 2 weeks after I bought her at the pet shop. 
Breed: Woody Toy

My sister give her name Mimi. I love her so much but for some reason I'd find a new owner to take care of her for some time. Soon I will take her back :)

Latest news, the new owner said she had give birth to 3 cute babies. 

The bad news is all 3 had died :(

Breed: Teddy bear (but I believe she's Lion Head)

No name. He is responsible for Mimi's pregnancies. Give to the new owner.
Breed: Teddy bear (But I believe he's angora)

Her name is Pinky. This is the easiest rabbit to care that I had ever own. She accompany me while I'm alone in Langkawi :)

Breed: Hmmm......toy rabbit.....probably...


  1. Think the woody toy breed is the most beautiful and cute

  2. what's with the fella in the second pic?

  3. Pinky looks a little sinister to me.

  4. Awwww how cute.

    Following and supporting


  5. so cute....
    pinky rabbit too..

  6. Aww... These little things are adorable

  7. ahah,
    can rabbit eat nasi?
    sebab i think i want a pet too! :D

  8. Too bad they died :(( makes me so sad

  9. white fluffy rbbit!! anati soki like this!!!

  10. hahahaha...name mimi? teringat plak kt adik...

    comey2 je arnab ni..bulu...mak aih..lebat..
    oh. yg rabit las 2 tersenarai jgk...huhu

  11. smile- i think all breed is super kawaii:)

  12. watchman- i snap his picture while he's asleep:)

  13. sucio- it's a joke, don't make it serious lol

  14. kenzo- dia makan je nasik, tapi lauk kena sedap la:)

  15. tigey- as the owner, i felt helpless :(

  16. anat- suka ke? nnt mintak hubby anat blikan ye:)

  17. azana- eeeh...nama adik pon mimi jugak ke? yg bulu lebat tue susah sket nak jaga,kena sikat hari2...
    pinky is rabbit too:)

  18. heidi- pasni lukis arnab pulak ye:)

  19. a'a... balik umah t nk gtau die..hahah x clap die pn lahir buln arnab..

    wow..penjagaan rapi tol ek.. kena sikat.. pakai bedak x? hehe

  20. wow..nice collection..hehhe
    smue hidup lg and still under your care?

    it must be tiring but wort it to taake care of them kan~

    so now rabbits je ke bro jaga?..the Betas? masih?

    saja tanya..berminat nak taw


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